Hide or delete discontinued Crystal reports & layouts


How do I hide or get rid of old Crystal reports and layouts? What reports are outdated or no longer supported?


This can be done in from the Report and Layout manager in OrchestratedBEER.  The following is a video on how to do this:



 The following is a list of some of the reports in OrchestratedBEER that are outdated, have been replaced, and are no longer supported:

Financial Reports Sales Reports Production ReportsInventory Reports 
Daily Dashboard (all versions)Microstar ReportProduction Schedule (all versions)Inventory Activity
Monthly Management ScorecardDR3 Keg Report

COGS by "--------" (all versions)

Balance Sheet w/ Filters

State Tax Report (all versions)

Production by Week by Style  
Profit & Loss w/ FiltersSales By State (all states and versions)Wort Produced by Week  
Profit & Loss vs BudgetSales By StyleTTB Brewer's Report of Operations (Crystal Report) 
Profit & Loss Multi-level Drill-downSales by Style Yearly ComparisonTTB Excise Tax Return (Crystal Report) 
Balance Sheet BasicSales Analysis by Warehouse  
 Open Sales Orders  
 Open Sales Orders/Returns