Quick Start: Price Lists

You can use Price Lists to automatically pull in prices assigned to a Business Partner on certain documents. This will save time and help you prevent input errors.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Inventory->Price Lists->Price Lists. Right click on the new window and click Add Row
  2. You can name your new price list here
  3. You must also base the price list on another (See the Notes for the price list choices), choose a factor and select your rounding method
    1. The factor is the multiplier in which the price list will change. For example, 0.5 will mean that items in that price list will be half of the base price list. Conversely,  a factor of 2 will mean it will double the based price list
  4. Save all your changes you have made
  5. Bring up a Business Partner in the Business Partner->Business Partner Master Data
  6. In the Payment Terms tab, you can assign the Price List to that Business Partner

Now when you create a document with that Business Partner selected and then add in an item, it will take the price based on the price list assigned to that business partner.



  • You can base your new Price List on itself with a factor of 1 to set the prices manually. Double-Click on the first Column for your price list named '#'. There, you can set prices for your items, as well as enter foreign prices.
  • The Last Purchase Price List will be automatically updated when an item enters inventory with its original price
  • The Last Evaluated Price List will be automatically updated whenever you the Inventory Audit Report