FAQ: Cannot Receive Pallets on iPad


Help! I am unable to receive pallets in the iPad app, I can receive single units though.


This occurs when the Pack Type table has not been updated to reflect Packaging Pallet Quantity. This field was added to support iPads and is mandatory.

Help Query!

 Copy and paste the query below into the query manager to help you with setup. The query will display a list of finished goods items, their pack type, and the packaging pallet quantity. You only need to update the pack type once for each pack type not for each item.

Pack Type Check Query
     INNER JOIN [dbo].[@ORC_BE_PACK_TYPE]  T1 ON T0.[U_ORC_BE_PACK_TYPE] = T1.[Code] 
WHERE T0.[U_ORC_BE_ProcessType] = 'Packaging' 

For help on importing queries into OBeer, you can click here: Importing Queries



Details / How-To

  1. Navigate to Tools → User-Defined Windows → ORC_BE_PACK_TYPE

  2. From within the Pack Type table, find the package types that you use, and update them with what you normally put on a pallet. For example, if your B6412 package type normally has 72 cases to a pallet, then this field needs to be set to 72.

  3. Once you have finished updating, click  , then .



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Pack Type

Importing Queries