Quick Start: Saving General Ledger Search Parameters

If you run regular searches through the General Ledgers with the same search parameters, other than date ranges, you can actually save some time by saving that selection criteria. 

  1. Go to Financials->Financial Reports->General Ledger
  2. Switch to Add Mode with the icon at the top that looks like a piece of paper or CTRL+A
  3. Fill in your search parameters (e.g. check/uncheck Business Partner, choose your Accounts, posting or due date, etc.)
  4. Type in the name of the Search Parameter you desire in the Selection Criteria Name
  5. Click Save and re-open the General Ledger
  6. Click on the little circle in the Selection Criteria Name field (or press tab while actively in that field) and find your saved search parameters

Now all you need to do is change the date ranges each time you run that report.

If you have your Cockpit enable, you can drag the General Ledger icon to the Common Functions widget for even faster access when running this report