Quick Start: How To Setup Minimum Inventory Levels Alert

When you conduct your business, you inevitably will run out of inventory and will need to order more. Our software has an alert available should you wish to setup a minimal level in which you need to reorder more inventory.


  1. Go to Administration->Alerts Management and bring up all the Alert with an * in the name field 
  2. The one you want to find is called Minimum Stock Deviation
  3. Then you set up which user should be contacted and if it's Internal, E-mail, SMS or Fax (this information needs to be set up already, see Note below)
  4. Then you go into the item for which you want to setup the alert for in the Inventory->Item Master Data, and switch to the Inventory Tab. There is a Inventory Level with a Minimum you can set (there are two places to set this depending if it is managed by warehouse or item level). 

    You will now receive alerts whenever inventory levels approach that number.


You will need to have your e-mail already setup for that user if you wish to send out e-mail alerts. This tutorial will show you where to go to set that up: Quick Start: How To Setup A New User